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Crossing the Line Page 15

  “Soon,” he corrects. “Bye, Millie.” I hang up the phone and grin wide like a teenage girl in love. Whenever I’m around him or talking to him, I feel like a teenage girl in love. It’s hard to hold back and pretend we’re just friends when I just want us to be public.

  Isabel tilts her head. “Who was that?”

  “Santa.” Turning around, I walk out of the kitchen. Any more time around the stuck up cow and I’ll just end up telling her the truth now. When she’s acting like a bitch I want her to find out publically or through Facebook, but I know we have to tell her face-to-face. That’s going to be an awkward conversation.

  “Hey,” he calls, smiling wide and walking out to meet me. Without saying a word, I grip hold of his shirt and pull him into a hug. His strong arms hold me tight, making me feel safe. “What’s wrong, Millie?”

  “Sister,” I mumble in response.

  “What’s she done?”

  I pull back. “Apparently I’m bitter and jealous of you and her. You do like her, and I’m just trying to sabotage your relationship because I can’t stand seeing anyone else happy. Pretty much.”

  His frown becomes more pronounced as he thinks about what I’ve just said. Why can’t I read people’s minds, it’d be a lot less frustrating than waiting. Finally, he makes eye contact again and says, “I’ll talk to her and explain that I’m not interested in her that way.”

  “Whoa.” I didn’t expect that. “Really?”

  “Of course. I don’t want to lead her on and I don’t want you getting annoyed every time you talk to her. I’ve not shown any romantic interest in her, but that’s obviously not enough. I’ll sort it out, okay?”

  I smile and tuck my head under his chin. “Thank you.” We still have another problem, though: telling her we’re together. Although, if Aden tells her he’s not interested she’ll move on and then when I announce we’re together it won’t be a big deal. Hopefully.

  Aden lets go and grabs my hand as he pulls me into the house. “Forget about that now. Are you ready to meet my friends?”

  “I am…”

  He raises his eyebrows as he picks up his wallet and keys from the side table beside the front door. “But?”

  “What if they don’t like me?”

  “They will. They’re as crazy as you are.”

  “I’ll ignore that. What if they don’t, though? What if they hate me?”

  “Millie, if they hate you I’ll get them some help. If you’re worried about what that would mean to me, then don’t. There’s no one that could make me not want to be with you.”


  “Don’t start that aww crap either. Let’s go, I want to show you off.” No one has ever wanted to show me off before. When I was a kid Mum, would show Harriet and Isabel off. They were her perfect daughters with blonde hair and a love of pink dresses. I have the same dark hair as Dad and Oliver and preferred ripped jeans and climbing trees.

  We’re going to be really early, but they start things early. I like them already. Apparently a barbecue for them starts with breakfast bacon cooked outside, then lunch and dinner followed whenever. Eating barbecue food – and apparently they have plenty of ‘veggie’ things because I’m not huge on meat, which is sweet of them – and drinking all day is just what I need.

  “So Marcus is the guy you shared a room with in Uni, and he’s engaged to Renee? You also went to Uni with James and Danny; you were on the same course as Danny but didn’t live with either of them?” I repeat, trying desperately to remember the things he’s told me.

  “Yes. James is married to Sophie and Danny’s girlfriend is Orla, but I don’t know her that well, we’ve only met a few times.”

  “Okay. I think I got all that.”

  Aden glances at me out of the corner of his eye and smirks. “You’ll forget. I’ll introduce you, though. It’ll be fine, Millie. Please stop stressing.” Yes, I really should stop stressing before I go grey. “You want to do something tomorrow night? Dinner at mine?”

  “Are you going to cook for me again?”

  “Yes, but you can help this time.”

  “Do you enjoy your kitchen burning down?”

  Aden chuckles. “I’ll take my chances. I’d like to cook together.” Like a proper couple. My heart swells. “We’ll have to go shopping after work, though. I don’t have much in.” Shopping is a couple’s thing too. I wonder if I can get him to argue over what food we get?


  “Oh do you think you could try not to make a complete fool out of yourself today?” When I turned to glare at him, he bursts out laughing.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m joking. I love it when you make a complete fool out of yourself. Though, I’m not sure if you can surprise me anymore. I pretty much expect anything now.”

  Hmm, we’ll see about that. Can’t surprise him anymore. I pull my top up and sprung the clasp on my bra open. His eyes widen, and mouth drops open as he does a double and then triple take.

  “Jesus,” he hisses, knuckles whitening as he grips the steering wheel.

  “Surprised?” I ask, silently thankful that there’s no traffic. He nods in response. “Well what I’m going to do next is going to give you a heart attack then.”

  He frowns, looking a little scared. “What?” I don’t answer. I reach across and unzip his jeans. “Christ, Millie!”

  I arch my eyebrow. “Just keep your eyes on the road, Aden.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “And we’re here,” Aden says and grabs my hand, giving it a little squeeze. His smile still hasn’t worn off from the on-the-go blowjob, and I doubt it will for a while. Can’t surprise him my arse. “You ready to meet everyone?” He parks next to a convertible Mini, which he’d told me is Renee’s baby.

  I get out and look up at the house. The location is amazing, half way up a hill and backed onto a forest. There are only about five or six other houses near it. I immediately want to move here. It’s so peaceful and beautiful.

  “Yeah,” I whisper, still staring in awe. My nerves have subsided slightly after Aden told me it wouldn’t make a difference to him if they don’t like me. There is less pressure now, so I’m ready to drink and hopefully have fun.

  Aden leads me to the front door, and I almost squeal in appreciation of the cabin style house and ivy that’s weaved around the porch. “It’s so pretty here.” Looking down the hill you can see for miles. It’s all forest, fields and those few similar looking houses.

  Aden rings the doorbell. “Yeah, I’d love to move here, but it’d be too far for work.” I’m about to tell him to move his office when the door opens. “Marcus,” Aden says, stepping forward giving him a man hug.

  “So this must be Amelie.” Marcus, a tall blonde with dark green eyes and a tattoo peeking past his t-shirt sleeve, smiles. He hugs me too. Very friendly for someone I haven’t met before, but I like that he treats me as if I’m an old friend too.

  My earlier worries vanish, and I beam up at them, feeling accepted already. “Hi.”

  “Come in.” He ushers us into the house and closes the front door. “Everyone’s out the back, and they’re very excited to meet Aden’s girl.” We follow Marcus out, and I think I hear Aden groan behind me. I laugh and grip his hand that found mine again as soon as Marcus let go of me.

  His friends are sitting around a wooden table, and all turn to look at me. I smile and press my side into Aden. Okay I wasn’t ready for so much attention all at once. Aden wraps his arm around my waist. “Amelie, this is Marcus’ fiancée, Renee, and that’s James and Sophie, Danny and Orla. Everyone, this is Millie.” He points everyone out as he says their names and I try to remember.

  “Hi, guys.”

  It takes a second for them to stand up and then I’m embraced in more hugs. They’re all very friendly. “Nice to meet you,” Renee says, hugging me once everyone else has.

  “You too,” I reply.

  “Come sit down. Marcus will get you both a drink.” She grins at he
r fiancé and sits down, pulling me beside her.

  Aden takes a seat beside me, saying hello to his friends. “Do you want the crap they’re drinking, Millie?” Marcus asks, nodding his head at the pitcher of pink something on the table.

  “Um, what is it?”

  Orla laughs. “It’s a woo woo. Have it, it’s amazing.”

  I turn to Marcus. “The crap they’re drinking then please.”

  He nods, grinning. “I’ll get you a glass. Beer or the hard stuff Aden?”

  “Jim Bean and coke.” Wait, he’s drinking too? I frown at him. “We’ll get a taxi home, and I’ll leave my car here.” Hell yes! I am so getting him drunk. It’s only eleven in the morning so no doubt we’ll be shitfaced by two.

  “So, Amelie, what’s it like sleeping with the boss?” Marcus asks as he returns with my glass and Aden’s drink. Aden rolls his eyes and pours me a woo woo, topping Renee, Orla and Sophie’s at the same time.

  “It’s not too bad,” I reply, smirking at Aden.

  He raises his eyebrows. “Not too bad?”

  Patting his head, I smile a patronisingly. “I’ll help you improve.” Aden narrows his eyes and pushes my arm away playfully. I like him around his friend. He’s relaxed, playful and smiling a lot.

  “Is it allowed?” Sophie, a petite redhead, asks, smirking at Aden.

  “I’m the boss, Sophie. I make the rules so, yes, it’s allowed. In fact, it’s encouraged.”

  She shakes her head, smiling in amusement. “I think you’re abusing your position. Amelie is a pretty young girl that came to work for you, wanting a career and all she’s got is your sexual advances.” I like Sophie.

  Aden rolls his eyes. “Have another drink, Soph. Anyway.” He turns back to Marcus. “How’re the stag night plans coming?” Hmm, when are they getting married? Will Aden take me?

  “That’s your job,” Marcus replies, slapping Aden’s back.

  “Well in that case, you have no say in what goes on. I plan everything and you don’t moan or refuse. Got it?”

  “Wait, wait, wait,” Renee cuts in. “What have you got planned, Ford?”

  Aden shakes his head at her. “What happens in Amsterdam, stays in Amsterdam.” Renee glares.

  “How cliché, Aden. Surely you can think of something more original than that?” I say. Amsterdam, seriously? That’s where every guy goes.

  “And where would you suggest, miss know it all?” he asks with a sexy little dimple showing smirk. He leans back in his chair, throwing his arm over the back of mine.

  Damn I didn’t think he would ask. “Vegas,” I reply. Yes, Vegas is way better than Amsterdam. Wow that’s probably the first time my quick ‘thinking’ has worked in my favour.

  “Vegas,” Aden repeats.

  “If you’re going to Vegas then I’m definitely going abroad,” Renee argues, looking at Marcus with a just try to stop me expression.

  “Deal!” Marcus stands and shakes Renee’s hand. I wonder if me and Aden will get to that point where everything is so effortless? Maybe effortless is the wrong word, but I want to be in a place where we knew each other so well and are, well, engaged. Yes, I want it all, eventually. I want a life with Aden. Excluding kids, I think.

  Aden’s hand squeezes my shoulder gently. “Off in your own little world again?”

  Grinning sheepishly, I reply, “Yeah.”

  “Nice there?”


  “With the troll?” he teases.

  I start at him blankly. “I’m not asleep, Aden.” Idiot.

  “Oh, of course.” He mouths wow and grabs my hand just before it comes into contact with his chest and laughs.

  I turn away from him, smiling. “Your house is beautiful,” I say to Renee as I spot her hot tub. Laying in a hot tub looking out at all the green trees littered up the hill would be amazing.

  “Thank you. Oh I’ll give you the tour. Well, we all will,” she says, gesturing to Sophie and Orla.

  “Renee,” Aden mutters warningly.

  Alight, what is that about? “Oh, shut up, Aden.” She stands up and gently pulls on my arm. “Millie will be fine with us.”

  He narrows his eyes. “No embarrassing stories. I mean it.” Ah, that’s what he’s worried about.

  I shake my head. “Don’t listen to him, I want the stories.”

  Renee shoots Aden a smirk. “I never listen to him.”

  The house is incredible, all wooden and in keeping with outside but modern and practical at the same time. It doesn’t take me long to decide that I definitely want to live around here. When we reaches Renee and Marcus’ bedroom they sit on the bed, and she gestures for me to do the same. Yes, time to get the dirt on Aden!

  I sit cross-legged on the bed and wait eagerly. “So, the embarrassing stories?”

  “First I need to do the official friend warning bit,” Renee explains, grinning at the same time. “I’ve known Aden a long time. You’re the only person he’s brought here, sure I’ve met a couple of his exes at parties but nothing so… intimate as this. That means he really likes you, and that gives you the power to hurt him.”

  “I’m not going to hurt him. I like him. A lot.” Love him. A lot.

  Their toothy smiles all mirror each other’s. “Good because you’re not like the dull Barbies he usually… hangs out with,” Sophie says, throwing one leg over the other. Hangs around with is so code for slept with. Of course, I know Aden wasn’t a virgin before he met me, but I have no idea how many notches he has on his bedpost. He doesn’t have a reputation so he couldn’t have put it about that much. “So you really like him, huh?”

  I nod. “Probably too much.” Definitely too much.

  “Aww,” the coo at the same time, and I can tell they’re good friends, they’re so in tune with each other. I’d like that with too. Will and Matt are great, but I want girl friends.

  “You’ve not been together long,” Renee says. It’s not a question as she knows we haven’t. I shake my head. Where is she going with this? Is she going to tell me we don’t know each other that well and it’s stupid of me to feel so strongly for him already? “And you’re already in love with him.”

  My eyes widen. She can see that? My heart races at the indescribable feeling coursing through my veins. “Yes,” I reply. “Now embarrassing stories?”

  “All you’ll ever need to know is that Aden performed on stage with three other guys.”

  “Performed what?”

  Renee and Sophie laugh at the memory. “It was in Uni. The people on the Performing Arts course decided to hold a talent show, anyone could enter. Marcus, Aden, Danny and another guy, Gus, decided to go for it. They stripped to Lady Marmalade, down to red sparkly thongs.” I burst out laughing. That is better than I ever could have imagined. I picture him swaying his hips and laugh harder.

  “Seriously?” Renee nods. “Oh God I wish I could have seen it.”

  A mischievous grin stretches across Sophie’s face. “You can. There’s a video.” My eyes light up a like kid's on Christmas morning.

  “Renee?” Aden shouts from somewhere in the house.

  “Damn it. I’ll email it you,” Sophie whispers. “What’s your full name?”

  “Amelie Cohen.” What does that have to do with anything? I’m about to ask her when I realise she can send it to my work email address if she has my name.

  “In here, Aden,” Renee shouts.

  Okay, Millie, act normal. I was going to; I really was, but when Aden walks into the room I laugh. “What did you do?” he growls to Renee, Sophie and Orla.

  “Strip,” I mutter.

  “Oh come on,” he whines. “You guys promised we would never speak of that again, and you definitely wasn’t supposed to tell my girlfriend.” Girlfriend. Shit that sounds good.

  Renee shrugs with a guilty smile. “I think she has a right to know.”

  “Outside,” he barks. “No more talking to her either.” Renee, Sophie and Orla leave the room, laughing their heads off. “It’s not true.

  “Yes it is.” My grin widens at how defensive he is.

  “Get your bag, we’re leaving.”

  Laughing again, I shake my head. “I like your friends.”

  “I don’t. We’re not coming back again,” he grumbles, reaching his hand out for me.

  I push myself up on my toes and kiss him. His arms snake around my back and pull me closer as he deepens the kiss. “You’ll bring me back,” I say confidently.

  He shrugs. “Yeah, probably.”

  “So, Vegas?”

  His smile grows. Yeah he’s going. “Your idea, beautiful.” Beautiful.

  “You can’t go.” His reaction isn’t what I thought it would be. I thought he would laugh, but he raises his eyebrows.

  “What?” he says, face paling.

  “Got ya! Wow, did you really think I would try stopping you? Aden, I’m not your mum.”

  “I don’t know what I thought. You being bossy is kind of a turn on. Get on the bed.”

  My eyes widen. “We are not doing anything in your friend’s bed!”

  “Got ya!” He smirks. Cocky bastard. “But just so you know, Marcus once had a threesome in my bed while I was out, so I do owe him one.”

  “What, Renee and another girl?”

  “No, before Renee.” He turns his nose up. “I only found out because there was blonde hair in my bed.” I really hope that was head hair. Sighing in discouragement, I take his hand and lead him back outside where we join everyone again.

  “Okay, guys, it’s time for Danny’s cocktails,” Danny says, reaching across the table for the now empty pitcher. Everyone but me groans. All right, what’s wrong with his cocktails? “Millie can have the first taste.”

  “No,” Aden says.

  Whoa, no? Is he my dad now? Frowning, I fold my arms over my chest. “I’ll have the first taste.”

  Aden groans. “Amelie.”

  “Are you my father?” He narrows his eyes. “Are you?”

  “No, I’m not your father. Lucky really the way you were-”

  I hold my hand up before he can say whatever filth is about to leave his mouth. “Yes, thank you.”