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Crossing the Line Page 20

  “What are you having?” I ask Will.

  “Burritos, I think. What about you?”

  “Ricin,” I reply and groan.

  Will chuckles. “It’s not that bad, Millie. No need to poison yourself.”

  “Are you kidding me? I just crawled across the floor in a restaurant and then got caught.” Oh God I’m never ever going to live this one down. This is possibly the most embarrassing thing I have ever done, and there have been plenty other occasions to choose from.

  “I still don’t quite understand why you hid in the first place.”

  “Yes, thank you.” Neither do I. So what if we were at the same restaurant, they don’t own it. “I’m just going to pretend there is a very good reason for it. Assassins. I was hiding from assassins.”

  He shakes his head. “So this love thing?”

  Why did I have to tell him that? “Yes?”

  “You’re in love with your boss, huh? How very cliché.” I narrow my eyes. It’s not like I planned it. “Does he know?” Nodding my head, I frown. Why can’t we talk about the weather? “Wow Amelie Cohen in love,” he says. “And in love with someone she said she would never fall for.”

  “I never said I wouldn’t fall for Aden,” I counter.

  Will tilts his head. “You know that’s not what I meant.”

  “Aden isn’t snobby rich.” He never looks down on anyone. “He moved to get away from all the posh crap.”

  “He came back to it, though?”

  “Yes to start up his company.”

  “With his dad.”

  “No,” I say, suddenly feeling defensive. “It’s a sister company or a some sort of relative company, I don’t really know. Aden is the one that owns it anyway.” He never covered that, all I know is that Richard builds stadiums and arenas, and Aden’s artists play in them.

  “Some sort of relative company,” Will says with a grin.

  I wave my hand dismissively. “Who cares about what it’s called.”


  “Well then have this conversation with Aden then,” I reply. Why does everyone find it hilarious when I don’t have all the details for something? Newsflash, I’m not fucking Einstein.

  Will looks overly proud of himself for making me mad. Bastard. “Shall we move on?”

  “That would be lovely,” I reply, matching his sarcastic tone. I need new friends. “How are things with your latest victim?”

  “She broke it off yesterday, thank you for asking.” I wince. Whoops. “Don’t worry, it wasn’t working out. She snored.”

  “You’re going to die alone, you know?”

  “So are you if you don’t stop acting like a baby in front of your boyfriend.” Acting like a baby? When do I act like a baby? Oh crawling on the floor. “I met this guy last night.”

  “Ooh mixing it up a little are we?”

  “I don’t plan it, Millie. I’m attracted to whoever I’m attracted to.”

  I roll my eyes. “I know that, just been a long time since a man was in the picture.” He shrugs. He’s only ever had one boyfriend, and he turned out to be the biggest dickhead on the planet, after that he’s just dated women and that’s how it’s been for the last four years. “And,” I prompt.

  “And nothing. He’s good looking, something to stare at while I work and that’s it.”

  Yeah right. “Hmm, so why are you telling me about him if he’s just somebody to look at?”

  Will’s mouth presses into a thin line. “I was just making conversation. Turning the subject away from your cliché of a love life.” I stick my middle finger up at him and smile sweetly. “Seriously, though, I don’t want anything to happen with him.”

  “Doesn’t mean it won’t.”

  Will glares and turns his attention back to the menu.

  I pretend to look at the menu again, even though I know I’m having the veggie quesadilla. Will is distracted, probably double and then triple checking if he definitely wants burritos. He’s awful at deciding when there’s too much choice.

  Taking a sneaky peak over my menu I see Aden has gone back to talking with his dad. They’re deep in conversation, and I wish I can hear what they’re discussing, Richard having to find out about his son and the crazy daughter of his friend probably. Aden doesn’t look uncomfortable, though.

  I bet Richard regrets choosing me for the job now. He was probably rooting for Isabel and Aden too.

  Will snaps his fingers in front of me. “What?” I ask, returning from my daze.

  “Welcome back. Do you think you should go say hi?” I burst out laughing. After ninja rolling and crawling across the floor, is he serious? “You don’t think ignoring him after he’s seen you is rude?” I really don’t care; I’ll take rude over being teased any day.

  The waitress that turns up to serve us is, of course, the one that witnessed me throwing myself on the floor. Wendy – as her badge says – eyes me wearily as she takes our order, standing close enough to hear us but far back enough that I can’t stab her with my fork – or whatever she’s imagining I’m about to do. I bet she thinks I’ve just escaped from an asylum.

  “So I bet your mum is happy about you two?”

  “It’s so weird, Will. When she agrees with me – which I think has happened a grand total of no times before – it makes me feel on edge. It’s like the calm before the storm.”

  “Come on, you can see why she likes this.”

  “Yes, Aden’s exactly who she wants for me.”

  “Honestly now,” he says. “Does that take the shine off the blue eyed hunk?”

  “Hell no, you should see what that man can do with his tongue,” I reply, and we both burst into laughter.

  Wendy returns ten minutes later with our food. “Let me know if you need anything. Enjoy your meal,” she says and makes a quick exit. I contemplate complaining about something just to see what her reaction will be, but I’m too hungry.

  “Anything else new in your mum’s world?”

  I roll my eyes as he gets straight back onto the Elizabeth Cohen topic. Will loves hearing about all the crazy, stuck up things my mother does. At least she amuses someone, I suppose.

  “She’s decided we should ‘sit down’ with Aden’s parents before the big announcement at Dad’s birthday.”

  He grins, lapping it up. “The big announcement does sound fun.”

  Oh yeah, just like Christmas day.

  “I think I’ll film it,” he says.

  “Thank you,” I reply sarcastically. “Anyway I assume we’ll be having dinner with his parents soon. This is exactly what I didn’t want. None of it is me.”

  “Everyone has to meet the parents and announce they’re together at some point.”

  “Yeah but normally. Nothing about my mother is normal. I don’t want to stand in a room of my parents’ painfully boring friends and say ‘hey, I’m doing my boss!’.”

  Will laughs, tilting his head back. “I wouldn’t open with that, you’ll probably be disowned.”

  “Is that supposed to put me off?” No doubt I will make a twat out of myself at some point anyway. I should just pretend to be sick and let my parents have their moment and boast that their ‘troublesome’ daughter has finally met a ‘decent’ man. Troublesome my arse.

  “Thank you for lunch,” I say to Will as we get up to leave.

  “You’re welcome. Hey, do you wanna get down and crawl for this next bit or are ya gonna walk out?” Oh, ha ha. He chuckles and places his hand on the small of my back as we walk out. I can feel Aden watching at me, but I don’t dare look over, no doubt he will just be laughing at me.

  “Well, it’s been… interesting,” I say as he pulls up outside my building. “I’ll see you soon?”

  He nods. “Count on it. See you, babe.” I get out and wave back over my shoulder.

  Hopefully, if I find something time consuming I can keep myself busy all afternoon and Aden will leave me alone. Yeah, like I have that kind of luck.

  I turn my nose up at the
pile of contact details scribbled on many pages of scrap paper that needs to be put on the computer. I’ve been putting it off because it’s one of those silly little tasks that’s non urgent and very boring. Right now it’s the only time consuming task I have, so I sit down and prepare to be bored to death.

  I log back into the computer and open contacts in Outlook. This is how I’m going to die. The pile is never ending. How many paper cuts would I need to give myself with these papers before I bleed to death?

  Aden walks into my office five minutes after I’ve started work. The atmosphere immediately charges but I ignore how my body reacts to him because – surprise, surprise – he’s smirking. “So,” he says and sits down. “How was lunch?” I glance up and glare. Bastard. “You must have worked up quite an appetite while rolling around on the floor.”

  “Aden, bugger off.”

  “Now, that’s no way to talk to your boss. I’m going to have to give you a verbal warning.” He’s loving this.

  I smile tightly. “Fine, give it and then pis-”

  “You are in a bad mood, huh? Any particular reason for that?”

  “You! Just stop your stupid jokes and that smug little smirk and leave me alone.” I look back at the computer, ignoring him in the hope he’ll leave. He doesn’t. “Can I help you with anything, Mr Ford?”

  He stretches his legs out, leaning back in the chair. “You could take your top off.”

  “Hmm, I’ll remember that one for the sexual harassment tribunal.” Still, he doesn’t leave. “Seriously, I think I’ve topped the embarrassment today so please can you just leave me to get on?”

  “Do you still feel embarrassment? I would have thought by now you-”

  “Shut up.” Why the hell is he still in here? Does he love torturing me that much? He’s a crap boyfriend! “Aden, go away.”

  He leans forward. “I know you’re not really working right now, Amelie. Can you just look at me for a minute.” I sigh heavily and look up, raising my eyebrows. “Thank you. Look, let’s forget about how interesting lunch was okay? We’ll pretend it never even happened. Can you come over here? I’d really like to see my girlfriend.”

  My heart leaps. Girlfriend. Technically the idiot can already see me, what he means is he wants to feel his girlfriend up. I stand up and reply, “Fine, but the first mention of lunch and I’m gone.” He swings the chair round and holds his arms out for me. The second I’m in his lap, I curl my arms around his neck, and he kisses me hard. Christ he’s keen.

  It takes me a second to recover from his attack and kiss him back but when I do things bump up a gear. He tangles his hand in my hair and slips his tongue in my mouth. I move, so I’m straddling him and arch my hips, grinding against him and creating a delicious friction that makes us both moan embarrassingly loudly.

  “Millie,” he growls against my lips, sending what feels like bolts of electricity right to my core.

  I pull back, and his eyes are glowing. My heart soars as I see the love in his eyes. How did I get so luck to have him fall for me? “I locked the door when I came in.” He did? “I need you right now.” My throat ran dry as I see the raw passion in his face.

  The door could be wide open, and I wouldn’t care. My fingers wrestle with his shirt as I try to unbutton it with overeager hands. Beneath me, I feel how much he needs me, and I actually think I’m going to burst into flames. Stupid buttons! Why are they so difficult? Whatever bastard invented them needs a punch in the face.

  “Need help?” he asks.

  No. I rip open the shirt and my number one problem right now pops from his shirt, scattering across the room.

  His mouth is wide open, eyes dark as the night sky. “Shit that was hot!” His lips are back on mine in an instant, and his hands dive under the back of my shirt. He moans deep in his throat and the sound vibrates through my whole body.

  Okay I’ve had enough. I jump up, leaving a very surprised Aden sitting in the chair. I rip my top over my head and slip off my skirt, all in about three seconds – record for Millie. Aden blinks hard, awestruck; I think.

  “Wasting no time, huh?” I shake my head in answer and ping my bra open, letting it drop to the floor. He’s still in his trousers and a ripped open shirt. Let’s change that. Reaching down, I pull at his belt. Aden slouches in the seat, pushing his hips up to give me better access. I quickly unzip his trousers and with his help, whip them off along with his boxers.

  I look him up and down, groaning in appreciation. Naked Aden is perfect. “I love you,” I whisper. Every inch of him drives me crazy, from his collarbone to that sexy V pointing down to the goodies.

  He gasps and grabs my wrist, yanking me onto his naked lap. “I love you too, Millie.” His lips cover mine, and he very slowly and very gently lifts me up and pushes inside me. I tilt my head back and close my eyes as he fills me. The feeling is out of this world.

  “God, Millie,” he hisses and thrusts harder but still slowly. He’s holding my hips, stopping me from going faster. The pace is maddening. I cry out as I feel every inch of him slowly side almost all the way out and then back in. It’s too intense. I arch my back and grip the sides of the chair.

  He leans forwards taking a nipple in his mouth and rolls his tongue around. I feel it down to my toes – how? – and gasp loudly. “Aden!” He doesn’t move faster like I want, but he thrusts deeper. My knuckles turn white around the arms of the chair. Every nerve ending in my body is alive, dancing.

  I moan loudly as he holds me down and grinds his hips in a circular motion. My blood sizzles in my veins as Aden starts to pant harshly, gripping my hip. My heart is beating wildly, and I can’t keep still. I struggle against his grip, losing control as I’m rocketed towards my orgasm.

  “Fucking hell, Millie,” he hisses as his other hand grips my hip too, and I can see in his eyes he’s lost control. Aden’s on his feet, crushing me to his chest. I whimper and cling to him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “What’re you doing?” Why the hell has he stopped? I grind myself against him, and he hits the spot deep inside me.

  “Sofa,” he bites out, and then we’re falling onto the leather. He slams into me relentlessly, pinning me down and kissing my neck. I tighten my legs around him and bite down on his shoulder, making him grunt in my ear.

  “Aden!” I mumble against his skin as I shatter and into a million pieces.

  His hips move harder, harsher and then he stills, slamming his mouth down on mine and kissing me through his orgasm. When he’s spent, he slumps on top of me, breathing hard.

  “I wonder if we’ll ever get though one day of work without doing anything sexual?”

  He sits up, pulling me with him, and I’m straddling him again. Not a bad place to be, I have to say. “Not if I can help it.” Good.

  “We’re doing that again,” I say, laying my head down and sighing into his shoulder.

  A low chuckle rattles through his chest. “Whatever you say, baby.” His hands leave my hips and he holds me close, running his fingers through my hair. “Stay at mine tonight? I love waking up beside you.”


  A knock on the door makes me jump up. Aden flinches as I pull away too quickly. Oh fabulous. No condom mess is so gross. Usually I’m able to dash to a bathroom straight away, but this time I have to pass someone. I don’t have long. Aden presses his mouth together as he watches me pull my thong on carefully.

  “Never again, this is messy,” I hiss. Thank God I’m on the injection because we’ve had a few condomless incidents. Okay toilet, I need a toilet quick.

  “Amelie?” someone calls and knocks again.

  Aden presses his finger against his lips, telling me to stay still and be quiet. Are you freaking kidding me? His swimmers are swimming in the wrong effing direction right now, and he wants me to stay put. Shouldn’t they be going up anyway! I cross my legs and Aden presses his fist to his mouth, laughing.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After the best office sex I’ve ever ha
d I go home to relax and hopefully get the feeling in my legs back. Aden is going to some boring dinner with someone his dad knows, and for once I’m glad we’re not too public or I’d have to go too. Tonight I just want to relax.

  “Hi, Mum, Dad,” I call and slam the front door behind me.

  “Amelie, for goodness sake!” Mum scolds from somewhere in the house. Where? I look around and see no one. I don’t like when I can’t see her, its unnerving. That woman’s voice travels. I’m sure she was burned at the stake in a previous life.

  “Sorry,” I mutter.

  “Never mind. Now, I’ve spoken to the Fords and dinner is planned for Friday night. Are you planning on going to Aden’s after work and arriving together?” she says and appears from the living room.

  I shrug. “I don’t know.” Who thinks that far ahead? I bet she knows what pyjamas she’s wearing tonight too. “I’ll speak to Aden, I guess.”

  “I think that would be best for you to go to his and arrive together. Make sure you take an appropriate change of clothes to work with you.”

  “Not the cat suit then?”

  Mum sighs in discouragement. “I’ll see you at dinner, Amelie.”

  Looking forward to it.

  “Oh, and please remove your shoes before you go upstairs. I’ve just had the carpets cleaned.”

  “Of course,” I reply, smiling far too sweetly.

  “Why does it have to be Friday,” I whine, slamming my handbag down on Aden’s desk. He looks up from his computer.

  “Please, make yourself at home,” he says sarcastically.

  “Dinner is going to be hell. I might do some coke before. Want some?”

  He snorts laughter. “It can’t be that bad. I don’t think you’ll need to turn druggie.”

  “Can’t be that bad?” I sigh. “Have you got amnesia?”

  “You want to know what I think?”

  “No,” I reply and smile.

  He cocks his head to the side and smirks. “I think you secretly love it.”

  “Okay, not amnesia, but you certainly have some type of head injury.” The list of things I love does not have dinner with my family on it. In fact, it’s at the top of the things Amelie hates list, in big black, bold, permanent marker and it’s protected from the possibility of ever being erased by a dozen fuck-off-huge, angry lions.