Crossing the Line Read online

Page 5

  I hurry to Dad’s study, hoping to catch him before he’s done anything so I can stop him. I really do not need another car; I just need my idiot brother not to block in the one I have.

  “Ah, Amelie,” he says, giving me a fleeting smile. “Come and choose one of these please.” He nods to his laptop screen, turning it slightly so I can have a better look.

  “Thank you, Dad, but I really don’t need another car.”

  “The BMW or the Audi? I think the Audi but which one do you prefer?”

  I shake my head at him. Did what I just said go straight over his head? “Dad, honestly, I appreciate it, but I don’t need another car.”

  He sighs in frustration. Why the hell is he getting frustrated? I’m saving him a hundred grand! “Amelie, please don’t argue. Your mother and I have discussed this, now if you have no preference I’ll just order you the Audi,” he says with authority, furrowing his eyebrows as if a conversation with me is the most painful thing in the world.

  I’m not going to win; he’s made his mind up. I hate that they just throw money at everything rather than actually dealing with it. When I was young, and Dad travelled all over for work, I would cry and cling onto his trousers trying to get him to stay, and he would just buy me something expensive toy. I’ve never wanted flashy, expensive cars and gadgets; I just want a supportive, caring family.

  Mum is exactly the same. I actually wanted to spend time with her when I was little, but I only really saw her at dinner. I wanted her to take me to the park; instead the nanny did. I used to beg her to take me to play on the swings or go swimming, but she, apparently, hates the smell of chlorine. There was always an excuse, and then a toy would turn up in my hands. Neither of them understood that I wanted to spend time with them, but that’s probably because they’ve never had a very good relationship with their parents either.

  “The Audi is great. Thank you,” I say and sigh.

  He nods once. “Alright, good choice.” The laptop gains his attention once more, and I know we’re done. There isn’t anything else he will have to say to me, so I leave and walk up to my room to shower and get dressed for work.

  I scrub my skin a little harder than necessary, still pissed off with my parents. I don’t care about money and possessions. No wonder they can’t relate to me at all; we’re too different to get along. The sooner I get out of this house the better.

  As I drive out of the big gates, I start to relax. Things are getting worse with my parents, there’s even less talking since I told them I have a job. It’s all business now, where before they used to ask the odd question about my life.

  I’m starting to hate living back there again. University provided me with a certain amount of freedom, and I loved it but getting my own place means that I’ll be completely free. I won’t be relying on them for anything.

  By the time I get to work, I’m in a bad mood, courtesy of my parents, and I really don’t want to put up with Aden’s Millie-does-stupid-things comments. I flop down on the chair at my desk just as he walks in looking at his watch. “Pretty good timing. Thought girls took hours to get ready.”

  My mind is screaming fuck off, but I know I can’t say that to my boss, plus it isn’t his fault. “I’m not like other girls.”

  “I’ve noticed,” he replies with a chuckle. “Your head okay?” I nod. “Good ‘cause we have a meeting in an hour. I’ll make you a coffee.” He grins as he walks out, and I slam my head down on the desk. This is going to be a long day.

  I look up to see Aden standing in front of me. I thought he left? “Good nap?” I take a deep calming breath and smile, tilting my head. Good one. “We need to go now.” Now? I look up at the clock and gasp. I had fallen asleep! Oh God how embarrassing. My coffee is sitting on my desk looking cold.

  “Oh no. Aden, I am so sorry,” I say, shaking my head and standing up.

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s my fault after last night anyway.” He smiles, and I’m instantly lost in his deep blue eyes. The dimple is sitting proudly on his cheek, and I want to kiss it. My body heats up as he stares at me with such intensity desire pools down south.

  I gulp. “You look like you’re going to kiss me.” Why did I just say that?

  He takes a small step closer, and we’re almost touching. I feel the heat pouring off his body. “Maybe I am,” he whispers, and for a second his lips brush lightly against mine. I have no time to kiss him back or savour it before he steps back. “We should go now.” He picks up a notepad and pen from my desk and leaves the office.

  I’m frozen on the spot like an idiot. What the hell was that? My boss just kissed me, and all I want is for him to cancel the meeting and take me on those posh looking leather sofas in his office. Meeting, Amelie! I scream at myself and finally manage to make myself move. I hurry after him, my face on fire as I catch up with him in the hallway.

  He stops at the end of the corridor and manages to snap me out of my running my tongue over every inch of his body daydreaming. “The one in the blue suit is Rupert, and the one with the hideous red and yellow tie is Charles, he’s a complete pri-”

  “Aden,” someone says from behind us making us both jump. Aden shakes hands with his dad and then they both turned to me. “Amelie, how are you settling in?” he asks politely.

  “Great thank you, Mr Ford.”

  “Please, call me Richard.” I nod and shake his outstretched hand. “Let’s get in there then.”

  We sit around a huge table and are joined by a woman that I vaguely recognise as Richard’s PA, but I’m not introduced to her so I can’t be sure. I take out my notebook as Richard starts the meeting, talking about this brand new arena that’s almost complete and who they’re getting to take part in the opening concert – many artists from Aden’s record company. Personally I want Beyoncé and Green Day.

  As Aden talks about which artists will take part, he’s animated again, siting forwards in his seat, smiling and gesturing as he speaks. I love seeing him so excited; it’s infectious, and I feel myself smiling along with him.

  It doesn’t pass me that every so often he shifts in his seat, brushes his leg against mine and half smirks in my direction. Bastard. Every touch is electric, and my body bursts to life again. I want him. Now. He knows that too and he’s teasing me, torturing me.

  I compose myself and decide a little payback is in order. Thankfully he’s to my left so I can still use my right hand to take notes so this will look less suspicious, not that anyone but Aden is even paying one ounce of attention to me anyway. I could probably whip my top off and let the girls out without any of them batting an eyelid.

  With my left hand now safely under the table, I reach across and squeeze the top of his leg. His body stiffens and his eyes widen a fraction. I bite my lip to control my slutty side that just wants to drag him back to my office, or the bathrooms – they’re closer.

  Aden’s erection is bulging against his smart black suit trousers when my hand reaches his crotch, and I smile to myself. How awkward will it be if the meeting suddenly ends and he has to stand to shake everyone’s hand! The thought sends a thrill through me. That’d teach him for starting this game.

  “I want only the best, Aden,” Richard says.

  “I don’t sign bad artists, Dad,” he replies without missing a beat. His voice is even but his hand fisted on his knee gives him away. “You can put your faith in the label.”

  Richard nods. “I know I can.” They seem to have worked through their issues that they undoubtedly had when Aden took off, and I wonder if I’ll ever be able to do the same with my parents. I hope so because I do love them and I do want a relationship with them.

  Once the meeting is over I walk back to the office with Aden. Unfortunately, he put an end to the rubbing about five minutes before the meeting ended. He knew it was wrapping up and pinned my hand to his knee.

  Without saying a word, he gestures for me to go in his office. Should I be worried that he hasn’t said anything? As soon as he closes the door beh
ind us he stares at me with a look of pure lust and my insides turn to mush.

  I’m about to say something – apologise for carrying it on so long in the meeting – when he grips my hips, slamming me against his door. His lips seal over mine in a scorching hot, passionate kiss. The sexual tension from earlier erupts, he hitches my leg up, and I wrap them both around his waist.

  He moans into my mouth and arches himself against me. His erection, begging to be freed from his trousers, rubs against me in the most delicious way. I shudder as he again rubs his hardness against me, setting every nerve ending on fire.

  Suddenly there’s a knock on the door and we leap apart, panting. Aden rearranges his trousers and takes a deep breath while I flatten my hair and sit down on the spare chair by his desk.

  His eyes flit to me, making sure I’m ready before he opens the door. Richard and his PA, who I found out is called Amanda, are standing before us, completely oblivious to what they almost walked in on.

  “If you have a minute to spare this afternoon I’d like to speak to you. Nothing important so there’s no rush,” Richard says.

  “Of course. Give me an hour or so.”

  Richard nods. “I’m in the office all day so whenever you’re ready.” He nods in my direction and turns on his heel, walking off. Amanda scurries after him.

  Aden shuts the door and turns to me. His expression is unreadable, and I have no idea what he’s thinking. “Millie, about that kiss,” he says, shifting on his feet awkwardly. “It shouldn’t have happened.” He clears his throat. “I’m not saying I didn’t want it too because I did. I still do actually but…”

  “But what?” I ask.

  He frowns. “I don’t know,” he replies. “Shit I shouldn’t even be thinking about you this way, and I shouldn’t want you this badly but I can’t stop.” He makes the few steps towards me, and before I can blink; he pulls me out of the chair and grabbing me and pulling me out of my chair and claims my lips again, picking up where we left off.

  Chapter Five

  I kiss him back aggressively, surprising myself by how much I want him. Gripping my hands in his short blonde hair, I push my body into his. He slips a hand up my top, moaning deeply at the back of his throat as he snaps my bra open. I know that doesn’t count as foreplay, but it’s about as much as I can take. I yank open his shirt, sending buttons flying and run my hands down his sculpted, muscular chest until I reach his trousers.

  Something inside me snaps and desire pools in my belly. I know that nothing can stop me now. I frantically fiddle with his zip, desperate for him to put out the fire that feels as if it’s seconds from consuming me. “Aden,” I whimper when the fucking thing just won’t undo.

  He chuckles against my lips and pulls the zip down with ease. Bastard. I waste no time in slipping my hand down his boxers. His grip tightens and he thrusts his hips into my hand. My heart rate accelerates as I feel how hard he is. I literally can’t wait to feel him inside me.

  I let out an involuntary gasp, and my hand is torn from his boxers. He rips my top off and pulls up my skirt so quickly I almost don’t see or feel it. Wow. My skin prickles at the dark look in his eye, and I realise this is going to be mind blowing. I kiss his neck, making him groan and then he shuffles on the seat. I bite the skin below his ear, and I’m rewarded with a hiss of fuck. He’s going to be a sexual swearer for sure.

  Deep down I know seeping with my boss is a bad, bad idea, but I’m too lost and too turned on to care. His eyes are dark, filled with lust and he looks at me for a brief second before covering his mouth over mine.

  He kisses me frantically as he lifts me up and slowly pulls me down onto him. When did he remove his boxers? When did he put a condom on? When I was being shuffled around? We both moan loudly, and I swear everyone in the building must have heard it. Thank God he locked the door. He did lock it, didn’t he?

  “Aden,” I mumble against his lips, trying to get his attention. He moans and kisses me harder, and I tug on his hair, relishing the feel of his tongue against mine. I guess he doesn’t want to talk and to be honest I can’t even remember what I was about to say anyway. My hands leave his hair and I glide down his back, digging my nails into his skin.

  Aden’s hand fists into my hair tilting my head back and places toe-curling kisses over my neck and collarbone. I close my eyes as the senses take over – I really like my neck being kissed.

  I start to move, setting the rhythm slow at first because I want to savour the feeling of him inside me. It feels too good. My pulse races and I arch my back, pushing my hips back down harder and harder every time.

  Aden’s other hand runs up my thigh until he reaches my waist, and I shudder. Having him touch me feels a million times better than I imagined. He holds me there, fingers digging into my flesh a little more every time I slam back down on him. He lays his head back against the seat and looks up at me. His jaw snaps shut, eyes almost close and he groans at the back of his throat.

  My body tightens at the site of his pleasure. I throw my head back and grip onto his shoulders as I shatter around him much sooner than I expected. He follows, bolting up straight in the chair and clinging to my body as he thrusts into me hard once more and then stills, growling fucking hell through his teeth.

  We sit still for a few minutes, still clinging to each other and trying to catch our breath. My head is lying lazily on his shoulder, and one of his arms is holding me tight while the other is under my shirt, gliding over my back.

  I haven’t actually been this close to anyone before. Well physically I have but my ex was a bit of a dick that would pull out and immediately get back to his day or go to sleep. The one-night stands were what they’re supposed to be – in and then out. Aden is the first guy to properly hold me, and I make a note to put up somewhat of a wall because I know that’s the beginning of the road to Heartbreak Ville. I don’t want feelings to screw anything up.

  He kisses my neck and chuckles like a naughty schoolboy. “And I thought today was going to be boring.” I laugh too and pull back. His blue eyes are shining. The post-sex look really agrees with him. “You okay?” he asks.

  I nod. I’ve actually never felt better. “I’ve never slept with a boss before.”

  “Millie, you’ve never had a boss before. Hey, when you think about it, you’ve slept with one hundred per cent of your bosses.” I glare. That statistic makes me sound like a whore. “If it makes you feel better I’ve never slept with an assistant before.”

  “You’ve never had an assistant before, Mister one hundred per cent,” I say, felling significantly better. He smirks and stands up, making me squeal and hold onto him tighter, so I don’t fall. He stays inside me as he walks us over to the sofa. I close my eyes as I feel him slowly slip out of me.

  “Jesus,” he mutters, gritting his teeth. “You’re tight. That isn’t the last time we’re doing that.” I blush but nod. Absolutely with him on that one, I’d go again now if he didn’t have to speak to his dad.

  We get dressed quickly and as I’m pulling my skirt into place I wait for the awkward ‘This shouldn’t have happened’ conversation to happen. No doubt he’ll say ‘Look, Amelie’ soon. I bite my lip as I watch him wrap his shirt around his incredible chest, doing up the one button that made it through my attack. He slings his jacket over the top, and you’d never know.

  “Want to get something to eat?” he asks, looking up at me.

  Trying to figure him out is so confusing I can feel a headache coming on. Does he want that to happen again or is it a one time only thing? Oh shit, does he now expect it? Is this why he wants an assistant?

  “Sure,” I mutter, lost in my thoughts of being Aden’s employee with benefits. Not that I would mind sleeping with him again, but I don’t want him to think he can just have it. He grabs his keys from his desk. “Don’t you have to see your dad?”

  He shrugs one shoulder, patting his pocket, probably to make sure his wallet is in it. “He said anytime. I’ll go this afternoon. Ready?”
r />   I follow him out of the building, silently. It’s not awkward, thankfully, but neither of us has anything to say. We reach the car park, and he unlocks his car from a distance. Something dawns on me. He said we’re doing it again as if he has claim to my body just because he’s my boss.

  “I’m not a prostitute,” I blurt out as we climb into his car.

  He turns in the driver’s seat and stars at me with his mouth hanging open. My face bursts into flames. Why, why, why did I just say it like that? Why can’t I think before I speak?

  He shakes his head slowly. “You’re the first person to leave me completely speechless, Millie.”

  “I’m sorry,” I reply. “I was just thinking out loud and... I don’t know. Sorry.” He chuckles quietly and starts the car. Well this is just perfect, now he thinks I’m psychotic; bet he’s really glad his dad chose to hire me.

  We chat normally over dinner, and he doesn’t mention the prostitute mishap. “Okay, Millie, I just want to make it clear that this food isn’t payment for your services,” he says with a smirk. I thought he’d brushed over it. Clearly I’m wrong.

  I groan and look away, which makes him laugh. That’s just great. I need a filter between my brain and my mouth. “Can we drop it, please? I said something stupid. I know you don’t expect sex as part of my job.”

  His face fell. “I thought that was given?”

  I almost spit the wine out of my mouth. “Are you fucking serious?” He bursts out laughing, eyes shining with humour. Oh he’s joking. “Oh very funny,” I mutter sarcastically.

  We arrive back to the office, and I go straight to the kitchen to make us both a coffee while Aden goes over the details for a business trip to Dublin. He seems to go there a lot, but apparently this is the final trip to sign some contracts and drink champagne. I’m going with him, and even though I will probably be bored, sitting around in meetings for hours, I can’t wait.