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Crossing the Line Page 6

  I walk back in Aden’s office, careful not to spill the two cups of coffee. He’s printing something off as I set his mug down. “Thanks, Millie,” he murmurs, looking up at me and stopping at my breasts. Discrete. “This is for you.” He hands me what he’s printed. “You’re sure you don’t mind coming along?”

  “Isn’t that part of my job,” I reply, looking it over. We’re going to be away for two nights and will have two meetings. I assume the one on the second day is a less formal meeting and more of a celebration as it was taking place in a restaurant.

  “Well yes but we’ll be away on a Saturday, so I don’t expect you to come.”

  I laugh. “You think I’d rather spend the day at home with my mum and sister?”

  “You mean you wouldn’t?”

  I raise my eyebrow and smirk. “Strange, hey.”

  The week few by and it’s time for Isabel’s pimping out party. Aden isn’t coming tonight, lucky bastard. I wish I could decline with some, clearly made up, excuse about working.

  After the getting down and dirty in the office event we’ve pretty much had sex at work wherever and whenever available. I also have no idea where I stand with him. He seems pretty happy with no strings sex – what young male wouldn’t – but then when he saw the delivery guy flirting with me he turned arctic.

  I sigh and look up, letting the make-up artist apply mascara to my eyelashes. Something I’m perfectly capable of doing for myself, but heaven forbid we don’t look pristine for tonight. I can’t see her, but I feel Mum standing over me, like when you just know you’re being followed at night.

  “Do you think lighter or darker colours will work better against her pale skin?” she asks the make-up artist, whose name I don’t know because I was never introduced. I’ve been waiting for someone to say it for the last half an hour now. I’ve refused a fake tan and Mum is clearly still pissed off, but I didn’t care, I’m not going to look like a Barbie for anyone.

  I zone out as she continues her conversation about how my looks can be improved. Lovely, Mum. I don’t even think she realises she’s being insensitive, and I’m sure in her little world she’s not.

  As soon as my make-up is done I jump up and run out of the room as quickly as I can, not wanting to hang around to hear what else about me needs to be fixed. “Walk, Amelie,” Mum calls down the hall.

  I slam my bedroom door and head straight to the bedside cabinet for my emergency vodka. My phone beeps with a text, interrupting my quick binge drink, so I reluctantly put down the alcohol to have a look. A smile creeps on my face as I see Aden’s name on the screen.

  ‘Have fun tonight!’ Wow he’s hilarious. He knows how much I dread these parties, mostly because I make an idiot out of myself. Seriously, though, I don’t understand how anyone can make it through them without needing to be off their face.

  ‘Funny!’ I reply and throw myself down on the bed.

  ‘You’ll be fine, just be yourself! Actually forget that just TRY not to fall down and think before you speak.’

  I narrow my eyes, wishing he could see the death look I’m giving him. ‘Shut up!’

  Tonight is going to be bad. I hope Isabel finds someone, so I don’t have to endure one of these stupid events ever again. I can still remember when Mum brought up the conversation with me just before I went to University; she asked what I’m looking for in a man and said we would start looking when I finished school. I chuckle to myself as I remember my reply and her reaction. Apparently my Mother does not approve of big hot muscular biker men with tattoos and an eyebrow piercing.

  “Are you ready, Amelie?” Dad calls through the door.

  “Almost!” I shout back.

  “You have five minutes. You need to be downstairs before people start arriving.”

  I push myself up, sighing in frustration. “I know, Dad. I’ll be there in a minute.” How awful it would be if one of the guests turned up before I did. I slip my dress on that was hanging above the window and take a large mouthful of the vodka. Show time.

  Mum, Dad, Isabel and some of the waiting staff are talking to each other just in front of the door. Mum is giving them instructions in her usual patronising voice. I think they know how to hand out canapés.

  “I don’t want to see anyone wondering around with an empty tray, you go back to the kitchen and refill it straight away. Also make sure no one is holding an empty glass.” They all nod, looking a little terrified. She waves her hand and they quickly scatter off to the kitchen. It is so hard to believe that I’m actually related to this woman.

  “Ah at last, Amelie!” Dad says, sighing and waving me over to a quiet corner. I was literally three minutes from when he called me. “Now, tonight you’re on your best behaviour. You will be polite to everybody, and you will not make any jokes of any kind, I mean it.” I want to roll my eyes at his stern face, but I feel like I’m five again. Like I was going to perform a strip tease or something else equally as ridiculous. I don’t enjoy embarrassing myself, contrary to popular belief.

  “Absolutely, Dad.”

  He holds his hand up, raising a greying eyebrow. “Please do not interrupt. Tonight is about Isabel; your help and opinions would be appreciated, but if you can’t take this seriously then please do not say anything. Stick to one drink at a time, any more than that is not ladylike. Oh and if your Mother asks you to do something, or to not do something please obey her. Have you got all that?”

  “Yes, Dad.”

  “Good. Well, try to have a nice evening, and, Amelie, you look beautiful,” he adds with a warm smile which almost knocks me over.

  “Thank you,” I reply, blinking in shock. I can count on one hand the amount of times he’s said that to me.

  I hang around with my parents and Isabel as some of the first guests arrived. My smile is as fake as Isabel’s complexion. “Hello, Amelie,” Dad’s accountant, David Johnson says, forcing a smile.

  “Hello, Mr Johnson,” I reply politely, earning a smile from my parents. He stands back a little, looking around like he wants to make his escape. Oh I could have so much fun right now, if only I wasn’t being watched like a hawk. “So how is Judy?” His wife broke her wrist a few weeks ago, and I’m guessing she’s not here tonight because of the cast.

  “She’s doing very well, thank you.”

  “Sorry to interrupt but I need to speak to David,” Dad says, smiling at me and gesturing for David to follow him. He probably doesn’t have to speak to him at all. That was such a rescue mission. Oh well, at least I don’t have to make small talk anymore.

  I make my way to my usual spot by the bar. The room looks gorgeous, decorated tastefully in black and silver. The bartender looks over and smiles. This is where I can get a proper drink and not just the champagne that will, no doubt, pass me on a tray every five minutes.

  “What can I get you?” he says, giving me a toothy smile.

  “Cosmopolitan, please.” I look over and see Mum ‘discretely’ point to a young man with dark, combed back hair reaching his neckline and roll my eyes. He is most likely a lawyer. He looks like he should be anyway. “Keep them coming,” I say as my cocktail is placed in front of me.

  Half an hour later and I have only spoken to a few people, so this evening isn’t that hideous. It also helps that the good-looking bartender is plying me with drinks and making me laugh. The only problem with a drink appearing as soon as you take your last sip is the need to wee every five seconds.

  If I’m lucky, I can make it to the toilet and back by the time Mr Cocktail finishes my Mojito. Yes, I’ve moved on. Mixing alcohol is the only way I’m getting through this one. I flush with embarrassment every time Isabel is introduced to yet another eligible bachelor.

  I turn to walk towards the bathroom and slam into someone, spilling their drink. My eyes widen. Shit. I hear my Mum gasp from somewhere in the room and know it’s only a matter of time before she appears. Biting my lip, I slowly look up, and my eyes widen further as I see Aden smirking down at me. He’s here. />
  “Aden, I’m so sorry,” Mum says apologetically, scowling at me out of the corner of her eye.

  “It’s fine, Elizabeth, no harm done,” he replies smoothly.

  “I’ll get someone to clean that up. I can have your jacket cleaned up-”

  Aden shakes his head. “Honestly, that won’t be necessary. There’s only a drop.” I can see he’s trying not to laugh and avoiding eye contact with me. I want to hit him.

  Mum makes her exit to find someone to mop up the three drops that had spilt on the floor. I wince as he finally looks at me again. “I really am sorry,” I say, laughing quietly.

  He laughs too and shrugs. “I expect nothing less, Millie.” His voice is low and seductive. Just the way he says my name makes my knees go weak. I lick my lips as my body heats up.

  “How come you’re here?”

  “Got bored and knew this would cheer me up.” He means I would cheer him up by doing something stupid. I hate him. “Do you want to get a drink?”

  I want to be mad at him, but he’s saving me from a slow and painful death, so I let it go. “Definitely. I just need the bathroom first.” I nod to the bar. “Mine is the seat on the right.” He laughs, nodding his head and making his way to the bar.

  Once I’ve been to the toilet and reapplied a layer of lip-gloss, I make my way back to find Aden and hopefully get drunk with him. “What are you two so happy about?” I ask Mum and Harriet as I pass them in the corridor outside the bathroom, smiling like idiots.

  “We’ve found a lovely man for Isabel, and they seem to be getting along well,” Mum says proudly, pointing to something in the corner of the room. My heart stops. Isabel is sitting in my seat talking to my Aden. Panic courses through my veins. No, this is not right. Aden is the man they’ve ‘found’ for my sister.

  What the hell am I going to do if he likes her too? Does he even want someone like Isabel? Is that why he’s happy to keep things between us casual? I think I’m going to be sick. Is Isabel going to be the one digging her nails into his sexy muscular back now? Oh God, what if they get married and have kids?

  “Millie?” I shake my head and look up at Aden. When did he get here? My eyes flick to where he was standing with Isabel. She is there with Mum and Harriet now. Had I mentally checked out for a while there? “Are you okay?”

  No. “I’m fine. I think you’re the chosen one,” I say, laughing awkwardly as I continue to panic.

  He rolls his eyes. “Ah, one of those parties then. Don’t you get one?”

  “No way,” I reply, scrunching my nose up. It doesn’t pass me that he hasn’t actually said anything about being ‘the one’ and it isn’t helping with the almost hyperventilating thing.

  “So,” he whispers, stepping closer to me with a wicked glint in his eye. “Wanna give me the tour?” I can’t help but smile. Oh hell yes I do!

  We slip away upstairs, almost running we’re so eager. I lock my bedroom door behind us, and he grabs me, slamming his lips down on mine as he pushes me back to my bed.

  Chapter Six

  Aden unzips my dress and yanks it down, wasting no time in getting me down to my underwear. I gasp as my need for him doubles. That is so hot. I wrap my legs around his waist as he lies down on top of me and grip his hair. He kisses my neck, and I shudder at his hot breath blowing over my skin. I want to shout at him, there really is no time for foreplay, but I can’t speak.

  Someone bangs on my door and we shoot up, springing apart. Shit. I stare in horror. If they come in, they’ll get a right eyeful. Aden is a picture of calm as if this is a daily occurrence while I’m frozen in blind panic. He opens my walk-in wardrobe and softly closes the door behind him.

  “Amelie?” Mum calls through the door. Oh that’s the worst person for it to be. I bend down and snatch my dress.

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” I reply, trying to find the bottom of the fucking dress.

  “I’m coming in,” she says, opening the door before I can tell her not to. I stand in front of her in my underwear. She stares at me; wide eyed, as if I’m crazy.

  “Hi, Mum,” I say, smiling and acting casual.

  She shakes her head once. “Amelie, what on earth are you doing?”

  “Err I…” She raises her eyebrows, waiting for an answer. “I spilt my drink on my dress, so I came up here to change.” She sighs and walks towards my wardrobe, towards Aden! “What are you doing?” I ask quickly, sprinting in front of her, blocking her way.

  “I’m helping you pick out another dress. Goodness knows what you’ll pick if I leave you to it. Move out of the way, please.” I close my eyes and pray Aden’s heard us and is hiding somewhere. After a few seconds, when I hear no screaming, I open my eyes.

  I walk in after her and watch as she turns her nose up at most of my clothes. “We need to go shopping soon,” she mutters.

  “Yes, Mum,” I reply, looking around for Aden. He’s good at this; I can’t see him anywhere, and I’m practically an expert at hiding. I’ve had years of practice.

  “Here.” She hands me a floor length silver dress. “Don’t be long, Amelie.” I sign in relief as soon as she’s out of sight and I hear my door click shut.

  “Aden?” I whisper, even though we’re alone now.

  I hear him chuckle as he walks out through a row of coats. “That was a close one,” he says, grinning in amusement. I roll my eyes and slip the dress over my head. Aden shakes his head.

  “Wrong way!” I slap his hands away as he tries to pull the dress back over my head. “Are you serious? We were almost caught. I need to get back down there before my Mum has a heart attack.”

  He grabs my hips and pulls me towards him, my body presses against his, turning me on so bad that I just want to rip his stupid clothes off. He kisses my neck again, gently biting on the skin and making me moan. I close my eyes, tilting my head to give him better access.

  Suddenly he steps back. “You’re right, we should get back. Your mum might look for you again if we don’t get down there.” Fucking little tease! “Don’t be long, Amelie,” he says, mimicking Mum as he walks out, laughing to himself.

  I dress quickly and make my way downstairs. I am going to ignore Aden completely, so I now have to get drunk. No way I can get through tonight with no Aden or alcohol. Mum smiles at me approvingly when she sees me walk back into the room. I guess I was quick enough and am appropriately dressed.

  I head straight for the bar and see Aden right in front of me talking to Isabel. As much as I hate to admit it, I’m jealous. She’s my sister and I love her, but I still want to throw my drink over her, after I get one. The thought of them getting together, like my mother clearly wants, makes me feel physically ill.

  “Your usual?” the bartender says, picking up the vodka to make me another Cosmo. Where did my mojito go? Someone must have claimed it. I nod and smile at him, sitting down on one of the stools and trying not to look at Aden and Isabel. I don’t want him to know that it bothers me.

  Thankfully I’m close enough to hear what they’re saying so I tilt my head, take the low road, and listen to their conversation. Isabel asks him a question about his company, sounding a lot more interested than what she actually is – which is not at all.

  “So you built that all up by yourself?” she asks, widening her eyes as if she’s really impressed. She can probably see pound signs flashing in front of her face. I want to chime in and tell her that although he’s done amazingly well building it up from very little he’s still having an investor to grow the company quicker. Yes, I want to take the lowest road.

  I grip my glass and take a huge swig, draining the remainder of my drink and wincing. “Can I have another one?” I ask the bartender. “Three shots of vodka this time too, please.” His eyebrows shoot up, but he says nothing.

  “I hope you’re taking it easy,” Dad whispers in my ear, making me jump a little. Do they all just fucking appear? “We don’t want a repeat of the Christmas party now, do we.”

  “Of course,” I reply
, smiling sweetly. He nods and walks off. I wonder how often one of them is going to check up on me?

  “So do you plan on having children in the future?” she asks Aden. I almost choke and turn to face them. There is no way I’m missing the expression on his face. His mouth falls open very slightly, but it’s still enough to give me satisfaction, and he scratches the back of his neck.

  I feel a little thrill shoot through me at watching him squirm until I realise how much I want to know. Does he want children? I’ve never really wanted any, but then I’ve only been around Oliver’s devil, draw over your clothes and pour juice in your shoes, children and they’re walking contraception adverts.

  God I can barely take care of myself so how the hell would I look after a tiny person? Maybe when I get out of here I’ll learn, but would that mean I’ll one day be capable of keeping a child alive? You don’t get many chances at that. It’s not as if you can just pop to the pet shop to replace it.

  Aden gulps. “I haven’t thought about it much, but I’d like to have children, one day.” I didn’t expect that at all. He seems like the kind of guy that enjoys his freedom too much. What does that mean for us? Whoa I’m getting ahead of myself. We’re not together.

  Isabel smiles and flutters her eyelashes at him. “I want children too. At least three.

  Don’t laugh. Do not laugh. As hard as I try to keep a straight face, my lips pull up at the sides. She sounds like she’s interviewing him. I actually feel embarrassed for her. What’s wrong with dating and seeing who is right for you? And why such a fucking rush?

  Wait. My blood turns cold. Aden wants children in the future. What if he wants three? I gulp. This would actually be the worst thing in the world. I would have to move to America. I should have just gone with Christie when she moved home after Uni. At least it’s an option if Aden proposes to my sister.

  I frown to myself and down my Cosmo the second it’s placed on the bar. Stupid Isabel, Aden and their three children. She’ll be a great mum and wife too. She’s more maternal than Mum is and I know she’d do more with her children that what our parents did with us.